The Unknown Variable

Dr. PLEBS was known for his short-tempered nature, ability to chatter to himself, and fighting with himself. I don't shout, says Dr. PLEBS shouting at his subordinate clerk Mr. RelQuan. Mr. RelQuan nervously tried to maintain his composure in the face of his boss's unpredictable behavior. 

He was working on a theory that he named The Ultimate Equation. But the equation refuses to reveal itself. Why won't it work? Life has been a struggle for Dr. PLEBS ever since the enigmatic Mr. RelQuan appeared. His anxiety has escalated, leading him to avoid his favorite haunts, leaving everyone wondering where he disappears. Such obsession could prove fatal if left unchecked. Why is there an insistence on unifying all of reality? Let it remain as divided as humanity itself.

The equation proposes the existence of numerous macrocosms, each governed by a distinct set of variables. These variables follow specific trajectories on a graph, converging at a common point that symbolizes the unity of all macrocosms. However, the crucial variable at this convergence point remains elusive, presenting a tantalizing quest for discovery. 

Well, Dr. PLEBS. I got a courier for you. It is from the State of Eigen. You have been summoned to record your statement in front of the panel by tomorrow's noon, said Mr. RelQuan.

Oh! Those crooks want me, said a disgust-faced Dr. PLEBS.

The infamous murder case involving Dr. PLEBS as the accused is being reopened. Dr. PLEBS vehemently denies any involvement in the alleged crime. He says I was doing it for the science. You can't kill a person for science or can you? 

The Day of Judgment

Dr. PLEBS found himself seated in a chilling, poorly illuminated room, his eyes weighed down by a lack of sleep and mounting frustration. Across from him, a panel of four judges, adorned in dark robes bearing the emblem of the State of Eigen, gazed back at him with silent scrutiny. Tension hung heavy in the air as the prosecutor delivered their final argument.

Dr. PLEBS, the head judge began, her voice stern, you stand accused of violating the Ethical Conduct for Scientific Inquiry and, more gravely, of murder. Despite the absence of a body, the evidence points overwhelmingly to your involvement in the death of your wife. Witnesses testify that your obsession with The Ultimate Equation led you to disregard all moral boundaries. What do you have to say for yourself?

Dr. PLEBS shifted in his seat, his mind racing. I didn't kill her! I was... I was close to something monumental. The Ultimate Equation could've unified all of reality—solved every mystery! But she... she didn't understand. She tried to stop me!

The judges exchanged glances before the head judge continued, Your equation, Dr. PLEBS, was never completed. It remains, in your own words, elusive. And now, your failure has led to unspeakable consequences.

Dr. PLEBS spat, standing from his seat. It was RelQuan! He sabotaged my work. He wanted the equation to remain incomplete! The Unknown Variable—he said it could never be solved. But he doesn't understand... I was so close! You were the agent spy of the State of Eigen. You will rot to the death for destroying the work of a genius like me.

At that moment, Mr. RelQuan, who had remained silent in the corner, stepped forward. His face was calm, almost indifferent. Dr. PLEBS, he said quietly, You've let your obsession blind you. Some things are meant to remain unknown. The variable you seek? It’s beyond your control, beyond anyone’s control. You cannot tame the infinite.

Dr. PLEBS glared at him, his hands trembling. You... you burned the equations! You destroyed my life's work!

RelQuan met his gaze, unflinching. Yes! I did, he said coldly. Because it was never meant to be solved. The equation could unlock dangerous powers, powers that humanity has no right to control. The infinitesimal to infinity—these are forces that defy the limits of human comprehension. You sought to manipulate the unknown, but you never considered the cost.

Dr. PLEBS’ fury turned to desperation. You can’t do this! You don’t understand! The equation—The Ultimate Equation—it would’ve changed everything!

It would’ve destroyed everything, RelQuan replied, his voice steady. You cannot control the fabric of reality. The Unknown Variable will remain unknown because the universe itself resists the evil within humanity—the desire to conquer and control.

The head judge raised her hand, signaling silence. Enough, she said, her voice echoing in the chamber. Dr. PLEBS, following a thorough review, you have been found to have violated the ethical standards of the State of Eigen and, more significantly, to be accountable for the murder of Dr. Erdan. Your pursuit of the experiment exceeded the intended scope, and your unwavering fixation led you to transgress boundaries that should never have been breached. Dr. PLEBS collapsed into his seat, disbelief washing over him. No… no, I was doing it for science. I was doing it for the truth!  

The head judge looked at him with pity. Truth is not an excuse for destruction, Dr. PLEBS. Truth differs for all of us as we are entitled to our own worldview and understanding of the universe. You will be sentenced to life imprisonment in the Quantum Exile Zone, where you will no longer pose a threat to society or to reality itself.

Mr. RelQuan, now standing by the door, glanced back at Dr. PLEBS one last time. The Unknown Variable will always elude you, doctor. Some mysteries are not meant to be solved. And in trying, you lost everything. With that, he turned and walked out, leaving Dr. PLEBS to face the full weight of his guilt, his obsession, and the irreversible consequences of trying to control the uncontrollable.

As the guards closed in to take him away, Dr. PLEBS' mind whirled in fragmented loops of logic and madness. The equation, the variable - it still danced in his mind. But now, it was beyond his reach, lost to the infinite, where it would remain unknown forever.

The human attempt to understand the infinite and infinitesimal will lead to its own destruction as the variable of the ultimatum will always remain unknown in the vast cosmos far far away from the dirty hands of those who like to irritate the flow.
