Why No One Came to Stephen Hawking’s Party?

In 2009, renowned physicist Stephen Hawking hosted a party with an unusual twist: the invitations were sent out only after the party had taken place. What was the purpose? I would like to see if any time travelers from the future would show up. He concluded that time traveling to the past is against the law of physics.

The party might be over on June 28, 2009, but the question is left for us to answer; Was there any large motive behind it. You see Einstein's Relativity laid the foundations for us to think about the possibility of time travel. Dr. Hawking always treated Time as his dear and his life revolved around 'Time'. However, the irony is we think about immortality forgetting humans are mortal. Stephen Hawking died on 14 March 2018 leaving so many lessons for us in the realm of physics and this weird party incident from which we draw the conclusion that there is no Time Travel.

But what if there's more to the story? What if time travelers knew about this and could have arrived; but chose to avoid it?

In a future where the capability for time travel has transitioned from a mere concept to a tangible reality, time travelers possess the extraordinary ability to delve into historical records, sift through news archives, and utilize advanced simulations. This empowers them to meticulously scrutinize past events and dissect the potential repercussions of their own interventions. Upon encountering the enigmatic occurrence of Stephen Hawking's party, they discern that participating in the event may precipitate dire and unforeseen outcomes.

We talk about multiverse these days like it's our cup of tea but the so-called particles don't behave simplistically like we think. The entire complexity starts at the very minute level, so maybe the particles were not keen to align in the universe of the party. The Quantum Mechanics has not been able to perfectly explain itself in the future too? To be honest, it is not a surprise though.

What if in our society of the future, there is a situation where the knowledge and ability to time travel are only available to a specific privileged group of individuals? These individuals might be intentionally concealing this knowledge from the 2009 us to maintain their exclusivity and heighten the sense of thrill associated with time travel. If everyone gets it, then what is the fun of it?

Our past holds enough shreds of evidence of the exclusivity and inability to digest the outsider in their so much elite group. We try to convince ourselves that science is open to all but the dark secrets of the world are not hidden. For instance, a woman who received two Nobel Prizes was initially ignored, a scientist who revolutionized the understanding of electricity died in obscurity, and a man was not recognized for his own discovery while others were awarded for it.

What if mathematics is too hard to crack open the puzzles of this phenomenon. The maths is no wonder must be difficult for it or too simple for the ignorant us. The cocktails at the party may had some sedative which the time travelers came to know from other universes' travelers (who visited) and ended up becoming an experimentation tool for the 2009 us

The openness of this idea or theory leaves us to wonder if someone arrived in the party, shall we have continued our endeavors in this realm as it is. If we knew everything about tomorrow then what was the use of today that lingers on for 24 hours each time it scatters over us and what it is the use of yesterday's mistakes, that does give us some regret but gives a lot to improve. 

Well, the physics will unveil itself at its own pace. Maybe there is no future for us or there is no past for them. The law of physics may hold the key to time travel, but it's uncertain to whom the key should be given or there is no key; we are locked in this universe, it is all that we have.

Whatever it is, in the end, it is to be said, that no one came to the party; because it was boring.  
