My Obsession With Time Travel


From Doraemon, Ma’am!” I said after getting asked what was my inspiration for getting interested in Science. "Why were my classmates laughing at this? Am I too childish? I guess I am not fit for this class!". 

I came back home and lay down crying and taunting myself for not being like the crowd. Will I remain the same in the future too? I wish time travel could be empirical that my future self can be here to tell what the future looks like for me. I am always fascinated by the phenomena of time travel, whether it could be true or not that’s a separate debate but it’s an amusing concept to think of. 

As I am remembering this incident, I find myself laughing about that incident and thinking how foolish I was, but at that time, the future didn’t seem in favor as demotivation was filled in me after that humiliation. But the voice of my future self was heard saying,” don’t worry, everything will be fine”. The voice was very calm and composed as it knew the future. The time which the world knows moves only forward, could it be backward too?

Questioning myself, I woke up and realized that I have to complete my college essay by today itself otherwise I won’t be able to complete it by the deadline. I need to show the university that I am worthy of their institution, but how? Maybe I can have my future self, help me write this. Oh no! Still, I am thinking about the same. Now I have to stop watching Doraemon, reading Theory of Relativity, and listening to Hawking’s lectures, otherwise, I will end up with nothing but just this craze of time travel. 

It’s high time that I need to make myself understand, I am also a part of the human race that is not capable of seeing their future. Though I have felt Deja Vu from some events happening in my life, but not about writing this essay, otherwise, I would have an idea about what to write in here. 

I talked to my psychologist friend about the same. She said I’m delusional; I need to have a mental therapy session. Am I living in an illusion? Maybe. Then what’s the reality?

This question draws back to what Adi Shankaracharya said “Brahma Satyam Jagat Mithya" which translates; Brahman (name of the Ultimate Reality), is the only truth, the world is illusory. What is the truth of my life? What is my purpose? Am I just here to wander like a nomad changing the course of my life every day? No! I need to be conscious of what I want to do. 

Well, first I need to undress the school dress and get into casual clothes as I came from school, I forgot to do so. Yes, I was disheartened by that school incident but time traveling is not my cup of tea right now. My future is based on my doings of the present and can be only seen when the future transforms to be the present, and the present becomes the past. For my current situation, the reality is that I still love Doraemon and am a science nerd who wants to dive into the ocean of physics and find the pearl from oysters. I will do it, whatever it takes. 

And That makes a great essay for my college application. O, Shakespeare! I wish you would have been alive today to see how I carve words. 

See, How childish I was! But ladies and gentlemen, this only virtue of mine has enabled me to address you all at the lecture of my 100th research paper, ‘Time Travel: Not a Fiction Anymore’ on this beautiful evening of April 16, 2045, at the World Physics Forum.


  1. Great essay Madhu. Long way to go. May you explore the intricacies of time travel!

  2. What a great blog you had written man! Your ideas were unbelievable dude..keep it up .. Excellent!

  3. Nice one! great start man, long way to go...

  4. Fantabulous bro, empirical evidences with a bit of creativity.What an idea !Keep going. A long way to go bro.

  5. Loved it. Keep writing. Time travel has always fascinated me.

  6. Great Madhu.Nicely presented your feelings.I loved it.

  7. I loved the way you started. That part basically when you created illusion "o, Shakespeare!I wish you would have been alive today to see how I carve words". 😍But “I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them as they had humiliated and cause you in demotivational phase. I wish it in some poetic ways and kind of the concept based more . Rather thn i found it amazing and expect for your new blog come soon ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  8. Loved this bro ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. May your future self is smiling looking at this and saying "See, I knew it's gonna happen one day"

  9. Amazing one!!
    I must say that Doraemon is one of my inspiration too and I still watch it sometimes.... 😁


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