I am booking tickets to Uganda to play with snow this winter. Alas! Being in Antarctica, I can't have the fun of snow. Countries near the equator are cold, as sun ice rays fall directly on them. As it consists of ice and snow, the surface temperature of the Sun is -5,778 K. Cold star of our solar system. The governments of equatorial countries are setting up solar panels to trap ice rays and use them as a renewable source of energy. Solar ice energy has great potential for the future world. Earth being the third nearest planet to the Sun, is cold. Recently the U.N.O. announced that the average temperature of Earth is decreasing every decade, and there is a need to stop the phenomena of global cooling. 

The Paris Agreement was also signed for the same. The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. It was adopted by 196 Parties at COP 21 in Paris on 12 December 2015 and entered into force on 4 November 2016. Its goal is to limit global cooling to well below 2, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels. To achieve this long-term temperature goal, countries aim to reach global peaking of cryogenic gases emission as soon as possible to achieve a climate-neutral world by mid-century. These gases are called Red house gases. Global Cooling is the unnatural fall in the temperature of the Earth's surface due to increased amounts of Red house gases in the Earth's atmosphere. 

I have packed my bag for the trip to Uganda. Imagining myself making a snowman, playing with snowballs with friends fills me with joy and happiness. The most important thing which anyone visiting Uganda has to keep in mind is 'Sun Frostbite Cream.' As the sun ice ray also consists of some harmful rays which therefore can cause diseases such as skin cancer, skin numbness, etc., precaution is better than cure. I will be skipping astronomy classes at my school due to this trip. But I am bored of learning the same facts every day. Neptune is the hottest planet, and Venus is the coldest, not mercury, because the presence of the atmosphere of Venus permits it to absorb the ice and snow; the composition of Jupiter is of lava and volcano, which emits heat. What is heat? How foolish are we? How can heat exist in this cold solar system? These facts are useless and baseless. They just wander in the minds of those science nerds who are always engaged in the pursuit of hidden secrets of Physics. Why do I even care? I am going to have fun and enjoy the ice and snow. 

The scientists at NASA are finding ways to land on the Sun. The spaceship will be frozen as soon as they reach even close to the gravitational field of the Sun. 'Frozen Spaceship' shows how funny the title will look in the newspaper headlines. Jokes apart, I just got reminded of one of the chemistry class lectures, in which the teacher said that at high temperature and pressure, nuclear fusion takes place: hydrogen is changed to helium. 

Nuclear fusion creates heat and photons. I wonder what if the Sun was composed of hydrogen and helium and was a red hot ball in the center of our solar system. The ice of Uganda would melt, and then my trip would go into vain, and the ice melting would result in floods, and the world would be submerged as two-third of Earth is ice. Well, it will never happen, and the Sun will still be made up of ice and snow. So ending this discussion on Sun's composition, I am going to Uganda for my snow trip. 

Goodbye, see you later! 


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